This talk may contain strong language, harsh truths, and serious passion.
Buy your favorite community organizer a shot of palinka today!
Your time is your biggest asset.
"No." is a complete sentence
A person's incompetence in email is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the likelihood that they will massively waste your time
and don't go outside it!
Calendy - about as close as you can get to a personal secretary
It is extremely hard not to take criticism of your organization as a criticism of yourself
Ping me on twitter for slack inv -
Date formatting - Day of week, date, time + timezone
End with a specific call to action by date
The better you can set people up for your events, the better the outcome & the less complaints you will get
Volunteer organizations aren't restricted to traditional business restraints ... NOT
Send reminder emails & create calendar invites - but ensure communication is clear and without conflicting instructions
Vendors and venues have a lot more to focus on than just YOUR event
As an event organizer it is your responsibility to ensure your event runs as advertised
Have contact information for the person who can reset the router
Your speaker may forget, but it's your event on the line.
What can go wrong will go wrong
Leadership or mentors with dedicated roles can't be running around to solve problems on the fly.
What went well?
What didn't go well?
What could we do better next time?
& work on those first
This will take process work, but is worth it's weight in gold.
Slides available at: