Onboard New Devs FASTER
with Custom Snippets!

Jennifer Wadella

Onboarding Sucks

  • Not enough documentation
  • Too much hidden knowledge
  • "Wait, why aren't you using our great design system?"

Code Snippets to the Rescue!

Code snippets aid developer workflow & allow new team members to discover patterns, components, and design systems with just a few keystrokes.

Example Project

We'll create code snippets using the prefix: "milkshake"


Our Design System:

Buttons, inputs, tabs, a snippet to add a sparkle class - what more could you need?

What Are Code Snippets?

A small piece of text or code to be inserted into a file in our code editor.

Common Snippets

  • Emmet

VS Code Snippet anatomy

  "Print to console": { (1)
    "scope": "javascript,typescript", (2)
    "prefix": "milkshake", (3)
    "body": [ (4)
      "console.log('$1 is super cool');", (5)
    "description": "Log output to console" (7)
creating a snippet file in VS code

To Create a Snippet

  1. Open your command palette (cmd + shit + p)
  2. Search for `Preference: Configure User Snippets`
  3. Select `New Snippets file for {{project name}}`

Creating Our Button Snippet

						  "Milkshake button": {
						    "scope": "html",
						    "prefix": "milkshake",
						    "body": [
						    "description": "Creates milkshake button component"

Creating Our Input Snippet

						  "Milkshake input": {
						    "scope": "html",
						    "prefix": "milkshake",
						    "body": [
						    "description": "Creates milkshake input component"
using a custom input snippet

Creating our Tabs Snippet

						  "Milkshake tabs": {
						    "scope": "html",
						    "prefix": "milkshake",
						    "body": [
						      "	",
						      "		${2:Tab 1 content}",
						      "	",
						      "	",
						      "		${4:Tab 2 content}",
						      "	",
						  "description": "Creates milkshake tabs component"
using a custom tabs snippet

Creating our JS sparkle adding snippet

						  "Milkshake sparkleClass": {
						    "scope": "javascript, typescript",
						    "prefix": "milkshake",
						    "body": [
						      "this.${1:isSparkling} = true;",
						      "setTimeout(() => {",
						      "	this.${1:isSparkling} = false;",
						      "}, 350);"
						    "description": "Creates milkshake isSparkle member setting & timeout"
Using custom JavaScript snippet

Good Friends Share Snippets

Commit your snippet file to your app repo and it'll be available for any other developers using VS Code.


  • Code snippets can help new team members
  • Command palette > configure custom snippets
  • Use tabspots for increased efficiency
  • Save keystrokes not grudges.

Now go bask in the glow of your team's love and efficiency. <3

Slides: http://tehfedaykin.github.io/CustomSnippets

@likeOMGitsFEDAY #creatingcustomsnippets #VSLive