Jennifer Wadella | @likeOMGitsFEDAY
An Overview
The Analytical Engine is theorized by Charles Babbage.
Ada Lovelace developes a punched card program to calculate the Bernoulli numbers.
Columbia offers one of the first academic-credit courses in computing.
IBM creates it's own program to train employees
Programming languages are invented, more computer companies are founded, computer science enrollment rates rise.
*In the mid-1980's enrollment of women in computer science was the highest it's ever been.
Computer science enrollment plummets.
Computer Science enrollment slowly begins climbing again.
In 2013 computer science undergraduate degrees rose by 2.92%
... and Doctorate degrees rose by 5.2%
If you're interested in the 1980's time chunk I skipped over, watch this show.
Source: database of local computer programming schools, sourced by a combination of data from the College Board, the Computer Science Teachers Association, and individual teacher submissions.
"Because there were so few university courses in computing in the early days, IBM set up the Manhattan Systems Research Institute in 1960 to train its own employees. It was the first program of its kind in the computer industry. The three-month program included courses in computer engineering, software programming and designing systems to solve particular customer problems."
"It's like reliving your first 'hello, world' moment over and over again."
Offer them employees.
Know your networks
mentor onboarding
thick skin